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Metrics and insights in GraphOS

Understand your supergraph's usage and performance

offers a performant and intuitive UI to help you monitor and understand your 's usage and performance.

Metrics collection and forwarding

To analyze metrics in GraphOS Studio, you must first report them to GraphOS. If you have a

, its automatically reports operation metrics.

If you have a

, you need to
connect your router to GraphOS
to report metrics. The reporting mechanism is the same if you use
Apollo Server
without the . If you're using a third-party server, you need to
set up a reporting agent

Apollo also offers a

to forward your 's performance metrics to your Datadog account.

The following require an


  • Connecting a to
  • Forwarding metrics to Datadog

Reporting metrics from

or a
requires an
Enterprise or legacy Team plan

If your organization doesn't currently have an , you can test out this functionality by signing up for a free


Insights and analysis

Once you've configured your graph to send operation and metrics to GraphOS, you can examine them from any 's Insights page:

The Insights page in GraphOS Studio

The Insights page offers:

  • A collapsible left sidebar that acts as a paginated index of your graph's and , where you can search, filter, and sort operations and fields
  • An operations overview where you can adjust the overview's timeframe and filter it to specific clients
  • Individual and overall operations performance metrics, including request rate and latency
  • Resolver-level traces
    , if you've configured them
  • usage metrics

Refer to the

Field usage
pages to learn more about these metrics and how you can use them to optimize your graph's performance.

Notifications and alerts

Beyond actively monitoring the Insights page, you can also configure GraphOS to notify your team about changes to your graph and its performance. Check out

to learn more.

Sending metrics to GraphOS
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